Bio-Flow Plus

BioOssnT Bio-Flow Plus 

Light Curing Flowable Composite Dent 2g A2

Flowable composites play an important role in the development of clinical and especially aesthetic stomatology. Bio-Flow flowable composites are characterized by a reduced filler loading percentage and a modified polymer matrix based on high flow resins.



BioOssnT Bio-Flow Plus 

Light curing nano flowable composite 2g A2

BIO-FLOW PLUS is a light curing nano flowable, bioinert, radiopaque composite under the Vita* shades. BIO-FLOW PLUS  is a high aesthetic, highly resistant, superior polishability product with optimal flow characteristics.

BIO-FLOW PLUS restores/improves aesthetic appearance of restorable tooth; restores/maintains dental function of restorable tooth; protects biological structures of restorable tooth and adjacent tissues.


  • Excellent flow characteristics
  • High aesthetics
  • Highly resistant
  • Highly polishable
  • Low shrinkage
  • Radiopaque


  • For restorations of class III, IV and V cavities; root surface caries restorations;
  • For sealing pits and fissures;
  • For initial placement in class I and II cavities.

Product Description

The different viscosity of the composites of the Bio-Flow Plus flowable group affects their mechanical, optical
and chemical properties, opening up new possibilities of application, considering clinical
Low-modulus Bio-Flow Plus flowable composites are indispensable as the first adaptive layer of a composite
in extensive cavities of the I and II classes, for treatment of caries of the II class, then marginal
ridge is intact and an occlusal surface, fissure decay, small wedge-shaped defects, abfraction
defects and other lesions of gingival margin.
The general properties characterizing the materials of the Bio-Flow Plus  flowable group are high fluidity,
thixotropy, flexural strength, good polishability and abrasion resistance.
– All modifications of Bio-Flow Plus flow composite are available in various shades for the best
match. A2

  • restoration of minimally invasive preparations
  • pits and fissures sealant, base/liner under direct restorations
  • tunnel preparations,
  • radiopaque liner of cavities
  • repairs in composite resin
  • bonding of tooth fragments
  • class III and V restorations and non-carious cervical lesions


2g syringe A2, 3 tips



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